Did you ever live a day
Like the next day would never come
no alcohol, no cigarattes, no drugs...doar un tren care se desprinde din tine si o ia la goana nici tu nu stii unde sau de ce, ce e cu viteza asta, nu esti tu e pur si simplu o parte din tine care fuge si te taraste dupa ea in cat de trezesti la jumatatea drumului si te intrebi...wtf am i going?si la fel de linisit te lasi tarat intr-un carusel cu voluptatea omului care nu-si asuma greselile si nu are remuscari pentru ca pur si simplu...nu a fost el. o forta mai mare decat tine, o nebunie care vrea afara, abia controlabila. and you can't stop it until it's over.it was good, it was bad, but it was real. si poate da cateodata e bine sa iei o gura de realitate. no stories. no romantic american movies. palpabila ca o mana pe spate care te frige. now you try to fight this.
Did you ever find yourself drowning
In a dark and crowded bar
The barman keeps on pouring and you're kissing everyone
timpul asta se dilata de la caldura parca poti sa-l iei in brate sa-l strivesti, parca se topeste si rvei sa-l prinzi si atunci iar incepe o nebunie din care te trezesti intr-o dimineata fara regrete fara mustrari. fara planuri. carpe diem. who cares. summertime..am doar 18 ani...vara astaa....who cares.
The night went up in smoke
Life is but a joke man
But I see nobody laughing
si mi-e dor de seara in balconu meu singura
1 comment:
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